Ron WydenDemocratSenateOregon19Trades17Issuers$1.04MVolume2025-02-10Last TradedN/ADistrict2023 – 2025Years Active1949-05-03Date of Birth75AgeShow details
Ron WydenAll Issuers1M3M6M1Y3Y*Traded IssuerPublishedTradedFiled afterTypeSize iRobot CorpIRBT:US 21 Feb2025 6 Feb2025 days15 sell 1K–15K SOLVENTUM CORPSOLV:US 21 Feb2025 6 Feb2025 days15 sell 1K–15K Eli Lilly and CoLLY:US 21 Feb2025 10 Feb2025 days11 sell 50K–100K Eli Lilly and CoLLY:US 21 Feb2025 22 Jan2025 days30 buy 50K–100K United Parcel Service IncUPS:US 12 Apr2024 27 Mar2024 days16 sell 100K–250K Seagate Technology Holdings PLCSTX:US 15 May2023 11 Nov2022 days185 sell 15K–50K BALL CORPORATIONBALL:US 15 May2023 11 Nov2022 days185 sell 15K–50K Coupa Software IncCOUP:US 15 May2023 11 Nov2022 days185 sell 15K–50K The Walt Disney CoDIS:US 15 May2023 11 Nov2022 days185 sell 50K–100K Meta Platforms IncMETA:US 15 May2023 11 Nov2022 days185 sell 50K–100K FedEx CorpFDX:US 15 May2023 11 Nov2022 days185 sell 50K–100K iRobot CorpIRBT:US 15 May2023 11 Nov2022 days185 sell 15K–50K JUST EAT TAKEAWAY.COM N.V.JTKWY:US 15 May2023 11 Nov2022 days185 sell 1K–15K Match Group IncMTCH:US 15 May2023 11 Nov2022 days185 sell 15K–50K Netflix IncNFLX:US 15 May2023 11 Nov2022 days185 sell 50K–100KExplore Trades