Dan NewhouseRepublicanHouseWashington58Trades42Issuers$464KVolume2024-04-10Last Traded4District2023 – 2025Years Active1955-07-10Date of Birth69AgeShow details
Dan NewhouseAll Issuers1M3M6M1Y3Y*Traded IssuerPublishedTradedFiled afterTypeSize Accenture PLCACN:US 26 Apr2024 10 Apr2024 days15 buy 1K–15K Analog Devices IncADI:US 26 Apr2024 10 Apr2024 days15 buy 1K–15K Bank of America CorpBAC:US 26 Apr2024 10 Apr2024 days15 buy 1K–15K Booking Holdings IncBKNG:US 26 Apr2024 10 Apr2024 days15 sell 1K–15K Broadcom IncAVGO:US 26 Apr2024 10 Apr2024 days15 sell 1K–15K CSX CorpCSX:US 26 Apr2024 10 Apr2024 days15 buy 1K–15K Danaher CorpDHR:US 26 Apr2024 10 Apr2024 days15 buy 1K–15K DEERE & COMPANYDE:US 26 Apr2024 10 Apr2024 days15 buy 1K–15K Dollar General CorporationDG:US 26 Apr2024 10 Apr2024 days15 buy 1K–15K Elevance Health IncELV:US 26 Apr2024 10 Apr2024 days15 buy 1K–15K Eli Lilly and CoLLY:US 26 Apr2024 10 Apr2024 days15 sell 1K–15K The Estee Lauder Cos IncEL:US 26 Apr2024 10 Apr2024 days15 buy 1K–15K FMC CorpFMC:US 26 Apr2024 10 Apr2024 days15 buy 1K–15K Fortinet IncFTNT:US 26 Apr2024 10 Apr2024 days15 buy 1K–15K Honeywell International IncHON:US 26 Apr2024 10 Apr2024 days15 buy 1K–15KExplore Trades
Most Traded SectorsInformation Technology14Consumer Discretionary9Consumer Staples7Industrials6Other22