Jared MoskowitzDemocratHouseFlorida294Trades88Issuers$2.85MVolume2025-02-13Last Traded23District2023 – 2025Years Active1980-12-18Date of Birth44AgeShow details
Jared MoskowitzAll Issuers1M3M6M1Y3Y*Traded IssuerPublishedTradedFiled afterTypeSize West Pharmaceutical Services IncWST:US 7 Mar2025 13 Feb2025 days21 sell 1K–15K Abbott LaboratoriesABT:US 11 Feb2025 15 Jan2025 days26 sell 1K–15K Abbott LaboratoriesABT:US 11 Feb2025 15 Jan2025 days26 sell 1K–15K Abbott LaboratoriesABT:US 11 Feb2025 15 Jan2025 days26 sell 1K–15K AbbVie IncABBV:US 11 Feb2025 15 Jan2025 days26 buy 1K–15K AbbVie IncABBV:US 11 Feb2025 15 Jan2025 days26 buy 1K–15K Canadian National Railway CoCNI:US 11 Feb2025 15 Jan2025 days26 sell 1K–15K Canadian National Railway CoCNI:US 11 Feb2025 15 Jan2025 days26 sell 1K–15K Canadian National Railway CoCNI:US 11 Feb2025 15 Jan2025 days26 sell 1K–15K The Goldman Sachs Group IncGS:US 11 Feb2025 15 Jan2025 days26 buy 1K–15K The Goldman Sachs Group IncGS:US 11 Feb2025 15 Jan2025 days26 buy 1K–15K The Goldman Sachs Group IncGS:US 11 Feb2025 15 Jan2025 days26 buy 1K–15K McKesson CorpMCK:US 11 Feb2025 15 Jan2025 days26 buy 1K–15K McKesson CorpMCK:US 11 Feb2025 15 Jan2025 days26 buy 1K–15K Merck & Co IncMRK:US 11 Feb2025 15 Jan2025 days26 sell 1K–15KExplore Trades