Michael BurgessRepublicanHouseTexas111Trades30Issuers$2.67MVolume2024-09-03Last Traded26District2023 – 2025Years Active1950-12-23Date of Birth74AgeShow details
Michael BurgessAll Issuers1M3M6M1Y3Y*Traded IssuerPublishedTradedFiled afterTypeSize Illumina IncILMN:US 2 Oct2024 30 Aug2024 days32 sell 15K–50K Illumina IncILMN:US 25 Sept2024 3 Sept2024 days21 sell 15K–50K Royal Bank of CanadaRY:US 13 Aug2024 25 Jul2024 days18 sell 15K–50K Royal Bank of CanadaRY:US 1 Aug2024 16 Jul2024 days15 sell 1K–15K Royal Bank of CanadaRY:US 1 Aug2024 16 Jul2024 days15 buy 1K–15K United Parcel Service IncUPS:US 1 Aug2024 22 Jul2024 days9 sell 1K–15K AbbVie IncABBV:US 3 May2024 10 Apr2024 days22 sell 1K–15K International Business Machines CorpIBM:US 3 May2024 10 Apr2024 days22 sell 1K–15K ISHARES INTL INFLATION-LK BDITIP:US 3 May2024 10 Apr2024 days22 sell 1K–15K Merck & Co IncMRK:US 3 May2024 10 Apr2024 days22 sell 1K–15K Exxon Mobil CorpXOM:US 11 Apr2024 11 Mar2024 days30 sell 15K–50K Illumina IncILMN:US 11 Apr2024 11 Mar2024 days30 sell 1K–15K Illumina IncILMN:US 25 Mar2024 11 Mar2024 days11 sell 1K–15K Walgreens Boots Alliance IncWBA:US 25 Mar2024 1 Mar2024 days21 sell 1K–15K Best Buy Co IncBBY:US 8 Mar2024 23 Feb2024 days13 sell 15K–50KExplore Trades
Most Traded IssuersStryker Corp16Blackstone Group Inc12Illumina Inc11United Parcel Service Inc7Other65